SEDIKITNYA 200 pedagang kios dan pedagang acung di kompleks Pura Besakih, Rendang, Karangasem, Rabu (11/3) kemarin dikumpulkan di Sasana Budaya, Besakih. Saat itu Camat Rendang yang juga Ketua Tim Penataan Kawasan Besakih Drs. I Wayan Gede Mustika memberikan pengarahan kepada mereka. Tujuannya, agar pedagang tertib dan mematuhi ketentuan terkait Karya Agung Panca Bali Krama (PBK) dan Batara Turun Kabeh (BTK).
Mustika mewajibkan seluruh pedagang mengenakan pakaian adat Bali. Sementara kios dihias dengan janur, guna mencirikan ada karya agung di pura kahyangan jagat itu. Spanduk atau sejenisnya yang terpasang di atas terkait promosi, hendaknya diturunkan.
Kios yang kini terlihat tak terurus dan hampir roboh agar segera diperbaiki. Jika tidak, agar dibersihkan. Selain itu semua pedagang acung, baik minuman maupun pedagang canangsari, sejak 20 Maret yakni sejak pralingga Ida Batara katuran tedun, dilarang berjualan di areal pura (di jeroan).
Hal yang sama disampaikan kepada wisatawan, baik domestik maupun asing. Ketentuan yang ada harus ditaati seperti mesti memakai pakaian yang sopan serta tak boleh masuk ke jeroan pura. Pemandu wisata mesti memperhatikan dan memberikan pengertian kepada para tamunya. (bud)
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
19.19, Posted by simple, No Comment
Choose the Best Hotel To Your Holiday
Do you have a plan to have holiday in western? If yes, of course you must prepare all what you need to go to that place. You must choose the correct agent, correct place to visit, and the most important is you must choose the correct hotel to stay. There is a lot of hotel in western, if you wrong to choose, you will have bad experience holiday.
If you destination in Australia, you can choose a lot of hotels. They will serve you the best, but remember to check your money. If you have a little money you can choose the in Melbourne, the name of hotel is “ wkwkwkkwkwkwk”
wkwkwkkwkwkwkkw Melbourne, give you more than what you need. The serve you the best. Here you can see the facilities of the hotel.
They have big room, and clean of course.
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
They have big room, and clean of course.
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
I love swimming, and this swimming pool look great.
And if you have plant go to Sydney, you can choose "peace" Hotels. One of them is “ peace”. Why I prefer choose this hotel? Because the price cheaper for me. You can see the several facilities that include in “peace”.
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
Great hotel from outside, can you imagine inside?
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
Great swimming pool, I love pool.
Another hotel that you can choose is “wkwkwkkwk” they have cheap price to, and if in Melbourne you still need to find hotel, you can find “peace” I love the price, only 99$. That great buddy. Below you can see the facilities of the hotel.
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
Simple room, I like it. I can do my activity as blogger here.
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
You can Relax in the outside of hotel, this nice place.
Select your hotels, and hope great holiday for you...
Do you have a plan to have holiday in western? If yes, of course you must prepare all what you need to go to that place. You must choose the correct agent, correct place to visit, and the most important is you must choose the correct hotel to stay. There is a lot of hotel in western, if you wrong to choose, you will have bad experience holiday.
If you destination in Australia, you can choose a lot of hotels. They will serve you the best, but remember to check your money. If you have a little money you can choose the in Melbourne, the name of hotel is “ wkwkwkkwkwkwk”
wkwkwkkwkwkwkkw Melbourne, give you more than what you need. The serve you the best. Here you can see the facilities of the hotel.
They have big room, and clean of course.
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
They have big room, and clean of course.
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
I love swimming, and this swimming pool look great.
And if you have plant go to Sydney, you can choose "peace" Hotels. One of them is “ peace”. Why I prefer choose this hotel? Because the price cheaper for me. You can see the several facilities that include in “peace”.
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
Great hotel from outside, can you imagine inside?
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
Great swimming pool, I love pool.
Another hotel that you can choose is “wkwkwkkwk” they have cheap price to, and if in Melbourne you still need to find hotel, you can find “peace” I love the price, only 99$. That great buddy. Below you can see the facilities of the hotel.
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
Simple room, I like it. I can do my activity as blogger here.
Choose the Best Hotel to Your Holiday
You can Relax in the outside of hotel, this nice place.
Select your hotels, and hope great holiday for you...